IMG_2451 Today we celebrated saving lives!!! Our GO staff and members took the necessary steps last October, when a member collapsed while working out in the gym. Thanks to everyone involved from first responders, EMS, and everyone at the hospital!!!


In the previous few years there has been a move on the way to making training more Practical. There are many instructors and coaches that are making a switch to this training philosophy each day, but practical training is actually any kind of exercise that has direct association to the activities people perform in daily life.

Whether you are a skilled or amateur athlete, or you are not in sports at all, practical  training can help you exercise your body to be healthy and more functional in your day to day life.

The main point of useful  training is not to exercise definite muscles in isolation, but instead to exercise the entire body in ways that mimic natural, daily movements and things we do every day. This is one of the best ways to improve body strength and fitness, and boost metabolism.

This form of training became very popular amongst many different groups of people: professional athletes use this training to uphold their fitness, many women during pregnancy also use functional training to become stronger for the months following birth, and also ordinary people who spend many hours sitting prefer it to shape their body.

Many coaches have moved to functional training sessions because training athletes with actions that don’t occur in the sport simply makes no sense. The key to success, no matter what you do in your life, is to unite movement into your life, and a training program that prepares the body for the actions that we do on a daily basis is a great place to get started.


Interval training is the best way to burn fat, and boost your metabolism. Not to mention the other health benefits like huge cardiovascular benefits for your heart and better stamina and muscle mass. For years this system has been used by professional and Olympic athletes as part of their exercise program.

The two most shared reasons why people are not happy with aerobic exercise alone, is the absence of time available to focus on it, and lack of results. Interval training involves short bursts of a high-intensity workout followed by a short low-intensity period. The procedure is swapped out over the course of the workout. It is rapid and blasts your body fat like no other form of exercise. As a result, you don’t have to do it every day, you can get away with just a few times each week.

So just how does interval exercise boost digestion and accelerate weight loss? Through the course of your exercise you increase the blood flow to your heart and use the oxygen to convert carbs and excess fat into energy.

You burn energy quicker than with steady state/continuous speed cardio, since interval training will help your body continue to burn calories for an hour and a half to a full 24-hours after you exercise.

To maximize your interval training it is a good idea to get some help from a personal coach. They can design a plan that is tailored to your fitness level and goals. Your program will be adjusted as your level of fitness increases to make sure that you are always getting the greatest benefit and progressing as necessary.


It is official: Ohio is the eighth most-obese state in the US–well, at least according to a Gallup Inc. survey. The study also exposed that about 31% of the Buckeye State’s population is obese, based on 2013 statistics. This doesn’t sit well, obviously, now that obesity is considered a serious disease by most health authorities. The Dayton Business Journal expounds on the ailment:

“Obesity — defined in this study as having a BMI, or Body Mass Index, of 30 or more — brings with it a host of chronic diseases, as well as business costs from higher health care rates.

Overall, the U.S. obesity rate rose to 27.1 percent in 2013 from 26.2 percent in 2012 and up from 25.5 percent in 2008.”

With all the delightful things to eat in Ohio, it’s no surprise that the trend toward obesity is increasing in the area—implying also that not many Ohioans are living a healthy lifestyle and spending time in a reputable Columbus fitness center like Go Fitness Center. This negative outcome is understandable, however, because the process of staying fit really does take away plenty of precious time, which many people simply do not have.

Still, the survey should be a wake-up call to draw the attention of citizens to all the possible sickness they can get just by being overweight. The more obese people become, the more likely they will suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even depression—the three things that commonly hit large individuals, according to Gallup.

Of course, that doesn’t mean everyone should start exercising right off the bat; a little drive, though, can help the body release some of its stored energy. Harvard University believes that obesity is not as easy as it looks because issues like age, body size, and genes all play a role in it. The main factor, though, is the amount of energy that a person expends every day, which can also be translated to the amount of calories he burns daily.

In essence, obesity happens when there’s too much energy stored up, as a result of living a sedentary lifestyle. Releasing pent-up energy is what regular exercise hopes to address. The World Health Organization and US Health Department recommends about two and a half hours of physical activity every week for a person to stay fit “in relative safety”. Too much physical activity can result in long-term injuries, muscle strains, or worse.

Determining the best type of exercise should be left in the hands of a reliable Fitness trainer in Columbus, like those at Go Fitness Center. When considering the amount of energy Ohioans need to release, the state obviously has plenty of catching up to do.

(Source: Ohio among top 10 most-obese states, Dayton Business Journal, March 7, 2014)

Topic: Holiday Visit in Columbia fitness centers


Obesity is one of America’s most serious health problems. In fact, a third of all people in the US are measured obese by the American Medical Association. While the problems carried by obesity, like diabetes and enlarged blood pressure, are known to all, obesity also has a negative emotiona leffect. In a report from Dayton’s ABC 22, as much as 69 percent of obese women experience some sort of bias from their doctors, thanks to the public stigma on obesity.

In 2013, Ohio ranked as the 13th most obese state in the US. People believe that obesity is caused by reckless eating, but the truth is much more complicated than that: economic and social conditions also have a role in it. Regardless of the reasons, however, it is clear that obesity needs to be addressed right away.

To fight obesity, one of things an afflicted person can do is to start working out at a renowned Columbus gym, like Go Fitness Center. While home remedies and surgical procedures are available, weight loss training programs are arguably better at fighting obesity for various reasons.

First of all, fitness trainers understand the different circumstances that people go through to stay fit. This allows them to develop exercise programs that aren’t just designed to meet individual fitness goals, but also tailored to suit a person’s psychological and emotional needs.

Furthermore, trainers know the right kind of exercise that an individual needs to become fit. For example, a tailored Columbus personal training program can see to it that certain cardio exercises wouldn’t result in injuries due to overexertion. Doing too many crunches and push-ups can result in serious consequences, like back problems and shoulder sprains.

Lastly, fitness trainers can assess the progress made by each individual and recommend additional exercise routines for staying fit. That way, a person would stand better chances of avoiding obesity once their fitness program is done. These post-exercises may vary from one person to another, and will require a lot of personal time, but can go a long way in improving a person’s physical and emotional well-being.

(Source: One Third Of Americans Are Obese, WEKF ABC 22, February 13, 2014)

Topic: Holiday Fitness Program in Columbia fitness centers


January is the time of year when Columbus gym members promise to burn off the 10 pounds they gained during the holiday times. In reality though, holiday weight gain is far more modest than most people think.

According to FoxNews.com:

“A study from Texas Tech University followed 48 men and 100 women between the ages of 18 and 65 for the six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. At the beginning and end of the study, researchers measured the subjects’ weights and body fat percentages. On average, the volunteers gained one and a half pounds (men about two pounds each, and about a pound for the women), far less than the 7 to 10 pounds often cited this time of year.”

Still, the article mentions that even after losing the excess inches, many people gain it back and put on more pounds after checking off this item on their new year’s resolution. Indeed, the goal with weight loss is not just to shed the excess fat but to keep it off throughout the year.

The trick is to start small and to set reasonable goals for yourself. As often happens, people flock to the gym in January and work out till they’re blue in the face. Sooner than later though, burn-out sets in and they’ll put off gym visits for a few days—only to never return again. Remember, stability is key and you’re better off scheduling small, 20-minute sessions as they’re easier to commit to.

Also, consider hiring a weight loss trainer; after all, skipping workout sessions is harder when there is someone else holding you accountable. Your Go: Fitness Columbus personal trainer will also craft a specialized workout plan and will teach you proper form to avoid injuries, thus allowing you to reach your fitness goals faster.


The health benefits of regular exercise are quite well publicized, but this doesn’t change the fact that a lot of people still uphold sedentary lifestyles. The most common reasons cited include lack of time and inadequate motivation. Yet with grit and the appropriate motivation, it is, indeed, possible to stay on target with your fitness goals.

In major urban centers like Columbus, the capital and largest city of Ohio, some people who strike out on their own paths to fitness may find it tough to stick to regular exercise routines because they get easily distracted. Yet by enrolling in a gym, and adhering to a fixed workout schedule, you can get the focus you really need. Liz Noelcke’s article for Spark People
provides some advice on choosing the right Columbus health club for your fitness needs.

Finding the right health club is a lot like finding new restaurant. A good gym will fit your own distinctive personality, and motivate you to come back and exercise on a regular basis. Unlike a restaurant, joining a health club is a large financial obligation, so it’s even more important that you research your options before signing on the dotted line.

When seeing a particular gym, set up a tour and bring a list of questions you want answered. Try to set up this trip during the time you usually exercise. More often than not, the staff will give you a free day pass so you can try out the equipment, classes, and other amenities firsthand.

Likewise, the article further suggests considering the gym’s location, operating hours, clientele, cleanliness, equipment, available classes, and fees. You may want to check out gyms like Go: Fitness Center that more than meet the said criteria when it comes to tailored Columbus personal training programs. Your assigned fitness coach can help you stay focused on your physical fitness regimen and ensure that you observe the correct exercise form, frequency, and intensity.

If you’re finding it hard to keep in shape and lose all those unwanted pounds despite your very best efforts, it might be time to turn to a fitness expert. Remember, though, that signing up for a gym membership is only the first step toward fitness; you must also stay dedicated to your fitness regimen and complement regular exercise with a healthier lifestyle.


As you get older, staying in shape can become such a strenuous chore. There are several things that you need to take care of, such as errands to run, bills to pay, and other adult duties to fulfill. Faced with an overwhelming load of stuff to accomplish, can you ever have time to do something about your fitness?

Of course, you do. Exercise science expert and fitness book author Lisa M. Wolfe shares these reasons why participating in a group exercise is one of the most beneficial workouts for busy adults like you:

Motivation and Support – Taking part in a group exercise class can encourage you to keep up with your level of workout intensity. Most of the time, a group exercise fosters a positive atmosphere in pushing you to do better every time you have a class. In addition, a little competition, like challenging a workout buddy, can make you push yourself harder to maintain your training pace. You also get helpful feedback, inspiration and positive reinforcement with each meeting.

Diversity and Community – One of the popular reasons why a lot of people quit an exercise program is boredom. Group exercise classes in a Columbus gym like GO: Fitness Center typically offer a wide variety of group training regimens and styles to encourage you to stay on track. Furthermore, the camaraderie and sense of play in each workout can help you persist for long, as you don’t want your buddies down with excuses and laziness.

Safety and Structure – In addition to the buddy system, the instructors can guide you and your group on how to properly do certain exercises and to effectively optimize each training session. You are assured that your coaches know the foundations of every movement. Moreover, group sessions, as a rule, follow a precise routine: warm-ups first, followed by the main workouts, then cool-downs and flexibility drills to condition your bodies well.

If group training isn’t exactly your cup of tea, there are other options you can explore to manage your well-being. You can utilize helpful Columbus personal training sessions with a certified coach who, at first, will evaluate your fitness level, and then design a special workout particularly designed to help you realize your fitness goals. Whether you’re planning to lose weight, tone your body, or simply want to maintain a healthy body, working out can bring you great results and improve your lifestyle.

(Source: The Advantages of Group Exercise Classes, LiveStrong, 7 February 2012)


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics, heart disease takes the lives of about 600,000 Americans annually, making it the leading cause of death in the country. Several people are aware of the factors that can influence the risk of heart disease, and are doing the best they could to prevent the coronary disease.

A news article from Consumer Affairs published last May 8, 2014 reveals the findings of a recent study showing how continued physical activity even after the age of 65 can help lessen chances of getting heart attacks:

In heart monitor recordings taken over five years, researchers found that people who walked more and faster and had more physically active leisure time had fewer irregular heart rhythms and greater heart rate variability than those who were less active.

Heart rate variability is the difference in time between one heartbeat and the next during everyday life.

“These small differences are influenced by the health of the heart and the nervous system that regulates the heart,” said Luisa Soares-Miranda, Ph.D., lead author of the study and a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston and the Faculty of Sport at the University of Porto in Portugal. “Early abnormalities in this system are picked up by changes in heart rate variability, and these changes predict the risk of future heart attacks and death.”

Most people are aware that continued moderate exercises in the long run can help mitigate risks of heart attacks. Although the study only includes people aged 65 and up, it doesn’t mean that younger people should wait for old age before they do any habitual exercises. This study should motivate them to start early and utilize their cardiovascular system right, which is often overlooked with today’s busy routine.

The best way to ward off heart disease is by converting one’s sedentary lifestyle into a more active one. Simple things like taking the stairs for one or two floors, taking a short walk during break time, stretching during commercial breaks, and biking to work are but some of the simpler yet effective means to keep a person in good physical shape. Those who want to stay fit with a regular schedule should find a gym in Columbus with a diverse selection of fitness classes and training programs.

To improve chances of stopping heart disease in its tracks and achieve a healthier lifestyle, a certified Columbus personal trainer can coach about the most suitable kinds of exercises for each person. These certified instructors can gauge a person’s strengths and weaknesses, devise a training plan that matches the student’s fitness level, oversee progress and keep the student inspired in achieving fitness goals.

(Source: Study finds an active senior lifestyle can lower heart attack risk, Consumer Affairs, 8 May 2014)


Running a marathon should not be done on a whim. Before people can participate in one, they need to condition their body first through workouts and training. In an article for About.com, Christine Luff suggests that strength training is the most ideal program for runners and lists down their numerous benefits:

“2. You’ll increase your endurance and reduce fatigue.
Strength training helps your body better deal with the stresses of running. Your muscles will be able to perform longer before getting fatigued, which will help you maintain your proper running form.

3. You’ll run faster.
Improving your form and endurance also translates into faster overall pace, so strength training is an excellent way to get faster. Runners usually see improvements in their race times fairly soon after they add strength training to their regimens. All it takes is two or three 15- to 20-minute strength-training sessions a week to build more muscle mass.”

In Columbus, Ohio, the Capital City marathon (held on the first week of May) is a big deal. Locals planning to participate in this marathon can get started on a strength training program consisting of compound movement routines (like squats, bench presses, and step-ups) and bodyweight exercises (like lunges, planks, side leg lifts, and push-ups). Those who are unfamiliar with how to do these routines correctly may contact a Columbus gym for strength training to achieve optimum results.

At the gym, these locals can look into getting help from Columbus personal training specialists like those from Go Fitness Center to formulate a strength training program that plays to their abilities and strengths. Personal trainers ensure these locals stick to the correct techniques and form to avoid any injuries. In addition, personal trainers also see to it that these people develop the proper muscles for performing routines.

Undergoing a strength training plan with a personal coach also helps locals track their progress. Whether locals are close to reaching their goals or not, a personal coach will guide them every step of the way. This will let him adjust the program while making sure that it still meshes with his trainee’s level of fitness.

Marathons are so popular that some people can’t help but jump at the chance to join one. However, there is more to running a marathon than the desire and the right pair of running shoes. All runners will benefit sticking to a strength training program courtesy of personal training professionals.

(Source: 6 Benefits of Strength Training for Runners, About.com, April 9, 2014)