According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics, heart disease takes the lives of about 600,000 Americans annually, making it the leading cause of death in the country. Several people are aware of the factors that can influence the risk of heart disease, and are doing the best they could to prevent the coronary disease.

A news article from Consumer Affairs published last May 8, 2014 reveals the findings of a recent study showing how continued physical activity even after the age of 65 can help lessen chances of getting heart attacks:

In heart monitor recordings taken over five years, researchers found that people who walked more and faster and had more physically active leisure time had fewer irregular heart rhythms and greater heart rate variability than those who were less active.

Heart rate variability is the difference in time between one heartbeat and the next during everyday life.

“These small differences are influenced by the health of the heart and the nervous system that regulates the heart,” said Luisa Soares-Miranda, Ph.D., lead author of the study and a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston and the Faculty of Sport at the University of Porto in Portugal. “Early abnormalities in this system are picked up by changes in heart rate variability, and these changes predict the risk of future heart attacks and death.”

Most people are aware that continued moderate exercises in the long run can help mitigate risks of heart attacks. Although the study only includes people aged 65 and up, it doesn’t mean that younger people should wait for old age before they do any habitual exercises. This study should motivate them to start early and utilize their cardiovascular system right, which is often overlooked with today’s busy routine.

The best way to ward off heart disease is by converting one’s sedentary lifestyle into a more active one. Simple things like taking the stairs for one or two floors, taking a short walk during break time, stretching during commercial breaks, and biking to work are but some of the simpler yet effective means to keep a person in good physical shape. Those who want to stay fit with a regular schedule should find a gym in Columbus with a diverse selection of fitness classes and training programs.

To improve chances of stopping heart disease in its tracks and achieve a healthier lifestyle, a certified Columbus personal trainer can coach about the most suitable kinds of exercises for each person. These certified instructors can gauge a person’s strengths and weaknesses, devise a training plan that matches the student’s fitness level, oversee progress and keep the student inspired in achieving fitness goals.

(Source: Study finds an active senior lifestyle can lower heart attack risk, Consumer Affairs, 8 May 2014)

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