Every single member of our gym is different! All of us have our own fitness goals and aspirations: some may be trying to lose weight, while others are trying to bulk up, for instance. Meanwhile we all have different physical concerns and challenges: some of us are working on building balance and flexibility, while others may be recovering from an injury or overcoming a medical condition. That variety means that every person’s fitness plan has to be a little different.

Advantages of Taking Group Fitness Classes

So why, then, do group fitness classes exist? How can these classes help you reach your fitness goals? The answer: group fitness classes make you accountable—other students notice when you’re not there, and they give you the support and motivation to stick with it. Taking group fitness classes also gives you the opportunity to work with a personal trainer. These experts can provide vital feedback regarding your diet, workout routine, and much more. Group fitness classes can have a huge impact on your exercise routine, weight loss, and so much more!

Selecting a Group Fitness Class

The most important thing about starting a group fitness program is choosing the right program for you. You’ll want to find a class that makes you want to come back over time. If you just take a few classes and give up, you won’t enjoy all the benefits of the class! Keep these tips in mind when you pick a class:


  • Consider your own goals and aspirations: Different classes are designed for different purposes, so you’ll want to find one that matches your own fitness goals. If you’re working on weight loss, go for classes that incorporate plenty of cardio, for example.
  • Pinpoint the activities you usually avoid: The fitness activities we avoid are usually the ones that our bodies really need—which means they’re more difficult! Participating in these activities where you have a support system and accountability from your classmates will help you stick with it and give your body what it needs!
  • Choose a class that interests you: You’re more likely to stay committed if you enjoy the class, even if you find it incredibly challenging. Choose something that’s not entirely outside your comfort zone. For instance, if you love cycling outside, try a spinning class. If dancing is your thing, go for an aerobics class that incorporates motivating music.
  • Respect the limits of your body: Some classes are more intense than others, so you’ll want to keep your physical condition and medical conditions in mind before starting any new class. Discuss your options and interests with your doctor, and share your medical needs with the personal trainer before class.

If you’re not sure which classes might be best for you, ask a personal trainer for suggestions. As with any workout routine, you’ll want to give it a fair shake—commit to taking a few classes so your body can acclimate. Be patient with yourself, and feel free to ask questions! Draw motivation and support from your classmates, and give it right back.

Come in and talk to us at 614-481-8080, you can even try us for free. Even if you’re not sure yet, come join in the conversation on Facebook and latest updates on Twitter and just get a feel for our community of support and encouragement, for the online updates you can visit our website at


You do! Most of us aren’t so fond of core workouts: they’re really challenging, and we don’t usually see immediate benefits from them. But working your core is such an important part of your fitness routine! If you’re not already hitting your core when you visit the gym, here are a few reasons to start:

Your Core Workout Helps Flattens Your Belly

You can’t “spot treat” areas for weight loss…but you can tone the muscles to create more definition as you lose weight all over your body. As you get closer to your weight loss goals, you’ll notice a difference in the way your muscles look—not just the size of your body. Tight abdominal muscles also reduce that belly pooch that so many of us are looking to banish at the gym.


Other Physical Activities Get Easier

Our core muscles do so much for our bodies, and most sports call on our core strength pretty consistently. As you strengthen the muscles of your core, these other activities will get easier. Who’d have thought that your gym workouts would make those recreational soccer games easier, right?

Posture Will Improve

You may be wondering why posture matters, but great posture helps keep our bodies healthy and happy. Most of us spend all day slouching forward, throwing off our alignment. Over time, our shoulders get stooped, and some of our core muscles may even atrophy. Core exercises can help reverse this, preserving and encouraging your body’s natural alignment, which prevents a wide variety of injuries.

Stability & Balance Will Improve Too

The muscles in your core are true workhorses, holding your body up all day long and enabling most of our movement. If they’re not all strong, they can’t work together as effectively. So incorporate exercises that target your hips, pelvis, back, and abs. Improved balance and stability means we’re less likely to hurt ourselves during a wide variety of physical activities, from simply walking down the street to doing a challenging weight lifting session.

Many core exercises don’t require special equipment. If you travel often or simply don’t always have the time to hit the gym, a core workout is the perfect solution. Your personal trainer can recommend moves that target different core muscle groups. Before you try flying solo, however, ask your trainer to watch you perform each exercise. Getting your form correct ensures that you get the most from your workout.

Not sure where to start? Your personal trainer is the best person to recommend a core workout that will help you reach your fitness goals. For the best results, you’ll want to integrate core training with strength building and cardio.

Give us a call and we will be able to set up a time for you come in for a free consultation!


We strive to offer the public what they need when it comes to working with a health consultant Columbus.

Our trainers work hard to help you with your weight loss in every aspect. The first step to our program starts by getting to know your personally.  First, we learn your time schedule, so we can set up the perfect time for you to start you gym routine.  We then look at your home environment (we don’t get too personal, we just need to know a few things) but a little knowledge of your stress level, physical condition  can help us better access your success rate.

We care about your nutrition and we will take a look at the foods you bring in the house, advise you on what to dispose of and what to keep to make it easier to learn good eating habits.  We will ask you to give us an example of what kinds of foods you eat for breakfast, lunch and supper. We will also need to know if you are a junk food eater and if so, what do you snack on.


Do you like fruits and vegetables? If so, which ones do you prefer.  These questions are important to determine how we can help modify your diet.

We will also ask you things like whether or not you are a nighttime eater.  If so, we will help you choose a lighter, healthier snack that will digest easier during the night.

Once we get all of this information, we can then start creating what is the best and easiest way for you to work out and diet.  With a Columbus health consultant, you will feel like you are the only person in the whole gym they are focused on; you become number one once the routine gets underway.

The health consultant will start you off with some cardio to loosen your muscles and to get your heart rate a little higher then usual.  We will gradually work you into a full work out routing which will keep you on track.

After the first three or four weeks, you will start to notice the benefits that comes with having a trainer, you will start to sleep better, feel better and look better. So when asked if a health consultant from Columbus can help you with weight loss all we can say is seeing is believing.

What are you waiting for? Join us now.

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Have you ever look around the gym, I mean really looked around a gym? When you look around any gym, you can tell who has gotten help from a personal trainer. Individuals who have used a trainer seem to be more confident with their workout.  When you notice someone struggling to get by, chances are they have refused help and want to go it alone. You should never go it alone in a fitness center, especially when your new.

Members who have worked with a person trainer go through their routines with ease and they feel confident that they are using the machines properly. If they have doubt, they know they can simply show a facial expression of discomfort, and the personal trainer will make their way over to ask if everything is all right.  Its a kind of universal signal and a way of helping our members.


All of the personal trainers Columbus take pride in their jobs, they feel good and confident about themselves and enjoy helping others. In return, it helps you because they strive to give you the best workout routine you can get. If the routine is not working for you, they will be more then happy to adjust it to your liking and too your workability. Each person is different and each person needs their own routine.

Personal trainers Columbus treat you like family; they want to make sure that they are doing the most they can for you and your body.  Our personal trainers get to know who you are as an individual, they listen to your needs, struggles and most of all they listen to what you want your goal of success to be and help you to achieve this goal.

Did you know that a personal trainer Columbus will also help you see where your nutrition problems lie?  They will help you realize that sometime what you are eating can take away from your success rate to reaching your goals faster. They will show you portion control with food items and sugar intake that will improve your chances.  Personal trainers will also help you realize that the more you move, the more successful you will be. Did you know that even if you did not change one thing with your diet just by moving more it will help change your bodies shape and stamina? Yes its true and its all the more reason to join a gym and hire a personal trainer Columbus to help you.

We don’t leave you alone on your new path to a healthier you, we walk right beside you and help you take control so you can rock your socks off, and feel more confident.  What are you waiting for ? Get your life back on track so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

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High blood pressure is a scary medical condition, but there are ways to lower your blood pressure without medication. Personal training is one the best ways to learn how to safely exercise and improve your health. Hypertensive clients can benefit from the one-on-one training, as well as the other perks of personal training. There are three specific ways that exercise can help lower your blood pressure, and diet is the last tip for making a difference. Personal training can help you maximize all four tips.

4 Ways Personal Training Helps Manage Hypertension


  1. Stretching. Stretching is important for increasing your range of motion and flexibility. Personal training teaches you how to stretch properly and safely. You should always stretch before a workout since it starts to warm up your muscles. Stretching after a workout is just as important, and is one of the best ways to keep from being too sore the day after a hard workout. The calming, repetitive nature of stretching can be a good match for hypertensive clients. Yoga stretches can be especially helpful.
  2. Cardio or aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is also known as cardio because it helps the cardiovascular system. This is especially helpful for clients with hypertension. Personal training will help hypertensive clients learn to exercise in their target heart rate range for safe cardio. Proper cardio exercise is performed at 60-70 percent of your maximum heart rate. Personal training Columbus can help you become aware of when you have reached your target, and how to keep your heart rate there. Good examples of cardio exercise are swimming, jogging, skating, and biking. Gradually, cardio exercise can improve your blood pressure, and breathing.
  3. Strengthening Exercises. These exercises are repeated movements that slowly strengthen your muscles. Just like stretching, these exercises can be beneficial for hypertensive clients. Personal training gives you the tools you need to properly perform strengthening exercises. Safety in exercise is always important, and personal training can teach you how to safely exercise while lowering your blood pressure.
  4. Diet. A big part of lowering your blood pressure comes through your diet. While exercise is important, diet can make an even bigger difference. Personal training gives you time to discuss and plan with your trainer what diet changes to make. Planning ahead is going to be one of the best ways to help lower your blood pressure by diet. Meeting with a personal trainer can give you time to plan ahead and make healthy choices. Lowering your sodium intake is a good place to start, so begin by reading labels and opting for lower sodium options.

Hypertension is a serious issue, but personal training can help you take control before resorting to medication. Call a local health club and meet with a trainer to discuss how personal training can help you lower your blood pressure. Begin changing your lifestyle with a healthy diet and safe exercise. You will soon be on your way to a healthier, happier you!


Your back is quite the workhorse! It holds you up all day long, so back pain can really put a damper on your daily activities. And back pain is one of the leading medical problems in the US; four out of five people will miss work or other important activities due to back pain or injury.

Most back pain isn’t caused by serious injuries. It’s  just living our everyday lives: slouching over our desks, skipping our gym trips and forgetting to stretch when we do workout. Note that two of those habits are related to our physical fitness! Your workout routine can reduce your risk of back injury and eliminate back pain.

Reducing Your Back Pain

  • Incorporate stretching: When muscles are tight, they’re more prone to getting pulled. Most of us are good about stretching our legs and arms because it’s easy to feel when we’ve pulled a hamstring or calf muscle. But pulling a back muscle may feel more dull so you might not realize that the pain is due to a pull. The lesson: even if you don’t really “feel” it, take some time to stretch every day.
  • Top-Tips-for-Preventing-Back-Pain-with-Exercise

  • Work that core: Often we focus on strengthening one specific set of muscles when we want to prevent injury to that area. But we also need to remember how our muscles work: different groups oppose each other, so they work together as complements. For example, your abdominal muscles oppose your back muscles, so these two muscle groups actually both help support your spine. That means you need to work your entire core not just your back muscles.
  • Don’t forget your hips: While your back and ab muscles support your spine, your hips and pelvis provide a different kind of support, stabilizing your torso. Talk to your personal trainer about including exercises and stretches that focus on your hips and pelvis. These moves will help correct imbalances in the body that can lead to back pain.
  • Use proper form: One of the leading causes of workout injuries is failure to use the right form. Every workout move has a proper form, not only to protect you from injuries, but also to ensure that you get the full benefits from the exercise.  Take some time to learn the mechanics of your muscles and skeleton, so that you can better understand the purpose and mechanics of individual fitness moves.
  • Avoid overexertion: The other leading cause of workout injuries, including back problems, is overexertion. It’s often tempting to step up our workouts when we get bored or feel like giving ourselves a bigger challenge. But starting an aggressive workout routine or being to ambitious when you increase your workout intensity leaves you primed for back aches and pains.
  • Talk to one of our personal trainers about putting together a workout routine that will help you combat back pain. The right exercises will protect your back from minor and major injuries over time.

    You can also follow us on Facebook to get workout tips and motivation!

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    It’s February, and many of us have stuck with those New Year’s resolutions, shedding pounds and making better choices about diet. But right about now, your weight loss may  also have stalled. This is called hitting a plateau, and it can happen for a multitude of reasons. One of the most common is that we don’t increase our physical activity as our bodies’ needs change.

    Changing Habits, Changing Metabolism

    As we get into shape, our bodies begin to use energy differently. As your system gets used to increased physical activity, it also adjusts how it burns calories. Eventually, your body can reach a sort of equilibrium, where you’re eating exactly enough calories per day to sustain your current weight and make it through your workouts.

    This is especially common when people start out slowly—a good idea if you’ve been sedentary for a long time. If you started out with walking around the block, for instance, and now you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau, it’s probably time to increase the intensity of your workouts to match your new metabolism!


    Increasing Workout Intensity

    There are two ways to increase the intensity of your workout. The first is to increase its duration, and the second is to make the workout itself more strenuous. Since most of us simply don’t have the time to make our workouts longer and longer, making your workout more strenuous is often the way to go.

    Talk to a personal trainer about ways to “step up your game” and push past your body’s equilibrium. Some methods to try:

    • Add weights. Even if you’re just walking around the block, carrying weights or wrapping weights around your ankles will make walking a more demanding task.
    • Go a little faster. If you walk on the treadmill, try increasing the speed or even the incline. You don’t have to do an 8-minute mile, but even sprinkling some jogging into your walk will help you burn a few more calories.
    • Switch it up altogether. If you always hit the elliptical, try out the rowing machine or the free weights. Adding new activities is also a great way to keep yourself from getting bored with your routine.
    • Commit to an extra day at the gym. Maybe right now you work out once a week. What would happen if you made that two?


    Working with a personal trainer Columbus can make a huge difference in achieving your health and fitness goals. When you have been trying to lose weight, or build muscle, it can get overwhelming or exhausting when you don’t see the results you’re hoping to see. A personal trainer can get results by helping with three things: a plan, resistance training, and motivation.

    1. A Plan is the Key – A plan is the key to all your health and fitness aspirations. If you’re looking to lose weight, get fit, build muscle, whatever it is you’re trying to do, you need a plan with clear steps to achieving that goal. Working with a personal trainer Columbus gives you the help you need to make a plan. Your personal trainer will put together a customized workout plan that targets the areas that you want, and gives you the best results overall for your body type. For weight loss, your customized plan may include a good amount of cardio, along with resistance training to tone areas that need attention. Your personal trainer will most likely suggest diet changes to help you achieve your fitness goals. With exercise and diet plans in place, you are sure to get results.


    2. Resistance Training is Important – Resistance training is important to any workout. You may think you need to focus on cardio workouts only  for weight loss, but think again. Resistance training is a safe way to help you build up your muscles to lifting heavier weights, and it’s a great way to tone areas that need it. While cardio workouts are important, resistance training builds up your endurance and strength, and having more muscle will actually improve your weight loss results since muscle burns more fat throughout the day. Your personal trainer Columbus knows that resistance training is important, and will work it into your customized plan to keep you seeing results.

    3. Motivation to Keep Going – No matter how great your results, or how much you want it, motivation can sometimes slack off. Working with a personal trainer Columbus will keep you motivated and on track to achieve your fitness goals. As your personal trainer works with you, he or she will learn what motivates you best, and what your goals are. Sometimes the best motivation is simply looking forward to that weekly or monthly training session in which you can “show off” your endurance, new, low weight, or better muscle tone. If you struggle with the motivation to follow through on your plan, this is an area that a personal trainer can help you with.

    Whether you are looking to lose weight or build muscle, a personal trainer Columbus can help you. From formulating an achievable plan, to customizing your workout, to teaching you how to exercise properly, and keeping you motivated, a personal trainer is perhaps the best tool you can have to help you accomplish your health and fitness goals this year.


    If you watch people at the gym, it seems like there’s an endless variety of moves and exercises. That’s certainly true, but not all fitness moves are created equal. Some workout moves are tricky to perform because they require precision form. Without that, your workout is less effective and you even increase your risk for injury.  If you’re a fan of these moves, you’ll want to rethink your routine and talk to a personal trainer about correcting your form or finding alternative exercises.


    • Lazy leg presses: Leg presses are actually a fantastic exercise. That is, when they’re performed correctly. Most people put their feet too far apart and bend their knees too deeply. Both of these mistakes throw off your alignment, placing more stress on your knees and back. During a leg press, your knees should never bend deeper than 90 degrees, and keep your feet about shoulder-width apart or slightly less. Ask your personal trainer to watch you do some leg presses and correct your form if necessary.
    • Any and all upright rows: This move requires you to pull something up close to your chin. Anytime you perform that action, you compress the nerves of your shoulder. Instead of this move, try front lateral shoulder raises. For these, you bring the weights either out to the side of your body, or out in front of you. If you start with the weights at your sides, never lift them above your shoulders. Your personal trainer can also recommend other effective moves to replace upright rows.
    • The treadmill slouch: The handlebars and console of the treadmill and other cardio machines simply beg us to lean over them—especially at the end of a long workout. But once you slouch, you reduce the effectiveness of your walk or run because your body no longer has to support its own weight. You also pull your spine out of proper alignment, placing undue stress on your vertebrae. So do like your mother said, and stand up straight!
    • Lat pull-downs behind your head: Most of us don’t have the shoulder mobility to perform this move correctly. As a result, we end up compromising our stance and our spines to do the exercise. Meanwhile, we also increase our risk for shoulder impingement and torn rotator cuffs. You can still do lat pull-downs, but bring the bar down in front of you, no lower than your breastbone. Keep your grip wider than your shoulders. You can similarly adapt military behind-the-head presses.
    • Squats on the machine: Many people use the Smith machine for their squats. But the bar doesn’t have any give, which often forces our bodies out of alignment. And chances are, your stance is also too wide on this move. Squats are just as effective without the weights, so learn proper form without the machine. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Sit down and move your hips back as if you’re sitting down in a chair. Keep your weight directly above your feet throughout the exercise.

    For answers to your questions about these and other fitness moves, talk to your personal trainer. Before you start any workout routine, or even if you’ve been working out solo for a while, it’s a great idea to get insight and guidance from a trainer.


    We are happy to bring five successful weight loss strategies to your attention. When you’re looking to lose weight, the process can feel endless, hopeless, and frustrating. There are so many different diet pills, diet plans, and other weight loss “helps” out there, it can be hard to know which ones really work. The truth? Very few will actually give you lasting results. These five tips are successful strategies because they always work, and the weight loss is usually permanent.

    Woman Drinking Water After Workout

    • Fruits and Vegetables – Eating your veggies is where it’s at. No one has ever gotten fat from eating fruits and vegetables. Fruit is higher in carbohydrates and natural sugars so it should be consumed in moderation. Vegetables, however, are great for filling you up and being low in calories. At every meal, try to fill half your plate with vegetables.
    • Exercise – Regular exercise is really what’s going to help you lose the weight. We recommend at least 30 minutes of activity a day. When you’re looking to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Cardiovascular activity raises your heart rate, and it is the best proven way to lose weight. Try to fit in a cardio activity every day by hitting the gym, or taking a walk, or swimming. There are tons of options for burning calories, so find a few that you like and do them regularly.
    • Drink Water – Drinking water is not only healthy for your body, but it is also one of the best ways to help you lose weight. We suggest drinking an half your bodyweight in ounces of water. So, for example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you’ll want to drink 75 ounces of water. You will be drinking so much water that you won’t even have time to think about or want to drink the bad stuff like soda.
    • Make a Plan –  Making a plan is really important for weight loss. You should plan out when is the best time for you to exercise, and what are healthy foods that you like to eat. Formulate a workout and healthy eating plan to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Making a weekly menu can be a great help when trying to lose weight.
    • Weight Training – Although your goal is to lose weight, not build muscle, we would like to remind you that muscle burns fat. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn throughout the day. Building muscle through weight training can switch up your workout, be fun, and help your body lose weight and get toned.

    You can be successful losing weight with these five strategies. We recommend a regular exercise plan and healthy eating. Your exercise plan should include 30 minutes of a cardio activity, and some weight training. Your healthy eating plan should fill up on vegetables and fruit, and promote drinking water. Start losing weight today, and keep it off.