Obesity is one of America’s most serious health problems. In fact, a third of all people in the US are measured obese by the American Medical Association. While the problems carried by obesity, like diabetes and enlarged blood pressure, are known to all, obesity also has a negative emotiona leffect. In a report from Dayton’s ABC 22, as much as 69 percent of obese women experience some sort of bias from their doctors, thanks to the public stigma on obesity.

In 2013, Ohio ranked as the 13th most obese state in the US. People believe that obesity is caused by reckless eating, but the truth is much more complicated than that: economic and social conditions also have a role in it. Regardless of the reasons, however, it is clear that obesity needs to be addressed right away.

To fight obesity, one of things an afflicted person can do is to start working out at a renowned Columbus gym, like Go Fitness Center. While home remedies and surgical procedures are available, weight loss training programs are arguably better at fighting obesity for various reasons.

First of all, fitness trainers understand the different circumstances that people go through to stay fit. This allows them to develop exercise programs that aren’t just designed to meet individual fitness goals, but also tailored to suit a person’s psychological and emotional needs.

Furthermore, trainers know the right kind of exercise that an individual needs to become fit. For example, a tailored Columbus personal training program can see to it that certain cardio exercises wouldn’t result in injuries due to overexertion. Doing too many crunches and push-ups can result in serious consequences, like back problems and shoulder sprains.

Lastly, fitness trainers can assess the progress made by each individual and recommend additional exercise routines for staying fit. That way, a person would stand better chances of avoiding obesity once their fitness program is done. These post-exercises may vary from one person to another, and will require a lot of personal time, but can go a long way in improving a person’s physical and emotional well-being.

(Source: One Third Of Americans Are Obese, WEKF ABC 22, February 13, 2014)

Topic: Holiday Fitness Program in Columbia fitness centers

Posted in Personal Trainer Columbus.