Maybe you spent your 20’s playing video games and your 30’s watching reality television. Now your doctor is reminding you about blood pressure, diabetes, and other health issues. But is it too late to get fit? Many of our clients assumed they were beyond help. The reality is, it’s never too late to start! Regardless of your age, your body will almost always benefit if you increase physical activity—especially if you’ve had a sedentary lifestyle.

Tips To Working Out More
  • Talk to your doctor first, especially if you have medical issues. Before starting any workout routine, make sure you’re healthy enough for the exercises you want to try. If you have specific medical concerns, your doctor can also suggest exercise that will be safe and effective for you.
  • Find a personal trainer. If you’ve never worked out before, getting started can be intimidating. A personal trainer can help you get in to a new working out routine, provide motivation, and show you how to workout properly to maximize results and avoid injuries.
  • Choose activities that appeal to you. If the thought of huffing and puffing on the treadmill makes you cringe, opt for group fitness classes or swimming laps instead. If you participate in activities you like, you’re more likely to stick with your fitness plan over the long term.
  • Be patient with yourself. You’re not going to be a marathon runner overnight! Work with your personal trainer to set realistic goals—and not only for weight loss. Give yourself benchmarks for physical performance, such as adding more weight to your strength training routine or reaching a certain distance on your daily run.
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