January is the time of year when Columbus gym members promise to burn off the 10 pounds they gained during the holiday times. In reality though, holiday weight gain is far more modest than most people think.

According to

“A study from Texas Tech University followed 48 men and 100 women between the ages of 18 and 65 for the six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. At the beginning and end of the study, researchers measured the subjects’ weights and body fat percentages. On average, the volunteers gained one and a half pounds (men about two pounds each, and about a pound for the women), far less than the 7 to 10 pounds often cited this time of year.”

Still, the article mentions that even after losing the excess inches, many people gain it back and put on more pounds after checking off this item on their new year’s resolution. Indeed, the goal with weight loss is not just to shed the excess fat but to keep it off throughout the year.

The trick is to start small and to set reasonable goals for yourself. As often happens, people flock to the gym in January and work out till they’re blue in the face. Sooner than later though, burn-out sets in and they’ll put off gym visits for a few days—only to never return again. Remember, stability is key and you’re better off scheduling small, 20-minute sessions as they’re easier to commit to.

Also, consider hiring a weight loss trainer; after all, skipping workout sessions is harder when there is someone else holding you accountable. Your Go: Fitness Columbus personal trainer will also craft a specialized workout plan and will teach you proper form to avoid injuries, thus allowing you to reach your fitness goals faster.


Are you looking for some weight loss tips to get your body ready for summer? The warm weather is here and that means hitting the beach with family and friends. Of course, it also means wanting to look great in your brand new swimsuit! Try some of these quick tips and before you know it, your body will be bikini ready!

Cut Calories – Be diligent about finding ways to cut just 100 calories from what you eat every day. Some super easy ways to cut 100 calories daily are to swap regular soda for water or diet soda, trade your morning latte for coffee with low fat milk, eat steamed fresh broccoli instead of frozen broccoli in cheese sauce, eat two poached eggs instead of two fried eggs, or replace 1/2 cup of granola with 2 cups of Cheerios. These subtle changes can have a big impact on your weight loss efforts.

Watermelon and Other Fruits – This refreshing summer treat is not only delicious and practically fat free, it’s loaded with vitamins A, B, and C. The high water content, combined with a healthy amount of fiber and protein, makes watermelon a great fat burner and really aids in your weight loss efforts. Some other fruits that are great fat burners are apples, pomegranates, and grapefruit.

Eating Outside Promotes Weight Loss – Warm weather and more sunshine don’t just make for more opportunities to be active; you can also take advantage of summer days to eat less by eating outdoors. For starters, you eat less when the light is brighter. By the way, this works in the kitchen, too, so turn up that dimmer switch! You also eat more slowly when you eat outside. You look around more, you watch the birds flying by or the lizards scampering in the bushes. Simple things in the outdoor environment can slow down your eating so you actually eat less.

Longer Days Means More Exercise – Take advantage of the long summer days to fit in more exercise time. A nice long walk on the beach is a great form of exercise, and you get to work on your tan, too! Schedule a family barbeque and spend some time swimming, playing horseshoes or frisbee, or even running around playing tag with the kids. Maybe you could even hit the gym more often, and our weight loss Columbus services can help with that. Remember to have fun while you exercise!

Snack Before Mealtime – Momma always said that snacking before dinner will ruin your appetite, and she was right! Having a small snack about twenty minutes before your meal helps with weight loss because it will control your ghrelin hormones (the ones that control your appetite) so that by the time you sit down to eat, you won’t feel like eating so much. Just don’t overdo it… a good choice is a handful of walnuts or a small piece of fruit.


You’re getting on track – you exercise several times a week and the pounds are beginning to fall off. But exercise is only half the battle against the bulge! The other half: your diet! Eating right is the key to consistent and healthy weight loss. We all know this, so why is it still so tough to make great choices about what we eat?

Most of us let our lifestyles, emotions, and all kinds of thing get in the way of eating right. And in the meantime, as we put off making those decisions, we form unhealthy patterns that become deep-seated habits. Those habits become comfortable, familiar, easy—making them even more difficult to overcome.

Tips To Break Unhealthy Eating Habits
  1. Take an honest look at your diet Sometimes we don’t even realize what we eat each day, or when. It’s often helpful to keep a food journal for a few weeks, so that you can identify your dietary patterns. You may realize that you go days on end without vegetables—or that the base of your food pyramid is made up of ice cream (not the strongest foundation)! After you’ve tracked the trends in your diet, identify the most important habits to change.
  2.  Eating Habits

  3. Figure out why you eat what you eat Many of us make poor dietary choices because we’re pressed for time, we’re eating to deal with stress, or we have emotional relationships with our food. Identifying these underlying issues is the most important step if we’re going to change them long term. This awareness will give you new control over our everyday decisions because you’ll pay more attention to the foods you choose to eat.
  4. Make changes that are reasonable and realistic for you and your lifestyle Just as you must be honest with yourself about your current eating habits, you also must be honest with yourself as you decide which habits to break—and how to break them. If you’re eating too much red meat, aim to switch to fish on Fridays, or go meatless on Mondays. Smaller changes will be easier to stick with over time, and you won’t feel deprived or resentful about the changes you make.

The benefits of changing your eating habits stretch beyond weight loss. Eating right will give you more energy, improve your overall health, and even make your skin glow. Talk to one of our personal trainers about tweaking your diet to support your weight loss and fitness goals.  To stay up to date and to get daily motivation, please like us on Facebook!

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Maybe you spent your 20’s playing video games and your 30’s watching reality television. Now your doctor is reminding you about blood pressure, diabetes, and other health issues. But is it too late to get fit? Many of our clients assumed they were beyond help. The reality is, it’s never too late to start! Regardless of your age, your body will almost always benefit if you increase physical activity—especially if you’ve had a sedentary lifestyle.

Tips To Working Out More
  • Talk to your doctor first, especially if you have medical issues. Before starting any workout routine, make sure you’re healthy enough for the exercises you want to try. If you have specific medical concerns, your doctor can also suggest exercise that will be safe and effective for you.
  • Find a personal trainer. If you’ve never worked out before, getting started can be intimidating. A personal trainer can help you get in to a new working out routine, provide motivation, and show you how to workout properly to maximize results and avoid injuries.
  • Choose activities that appeal to you. If the thought of huffing and puffing on the treadmill makes you cringe, opt for group fitness classes or swimming laps instead. If you participate in activities you like, you’re more likely to stick with your fitness plan over the long term.
  • Be patient with yourself. You’re not going to be a marathon runner overnight! Work with your personal trainer to set realistic goals—and not only for weight loss. Give yourself benchmarks for physical performance, such as adding more weight to your strength training routine or reaching a certain distance on your daily run.


We strive to offer the public what they need when it comes to working with a health consultant Columbus.

Our trainers work hard to help you with your weight loss in every aspect. The first step to our program starts by getting to know your personally.  First, we learn your time schedule, so we can set up the perfect time for you to start you gym routine.  We then look at your home environment (we don’t get too personal, we just need to know a few things) but a little knowledge of your stress level, physical condition  can help us better access your success rate.

We care about your nutrition and we will take a look at the foods you bring in the house, advise you on what to dispose of and what to keep to make it easier to learn good eating habits.  We will ask you to give us an example of what kinds of foods you eat for breakfast, lunch and supper. We will also need to know if you are a junk food eater and if so, what do you snack on.


Do you like fruits and vegetables? If so, which ones do you prefer.  These questions are important to determine how we can help modify your diet.

We will also ask you things like whether or not you are a nighttime eater.  If so, we will help you choose a lighter, healthier snack that will digest easier during the night.

Once we get all of this information, we can then start creating what is the best and easiest way for you to work out and diet.  With a Columbus health consultant, you will feel like you are the only person in the whole gym they are focused on; you become number one once the routine gets underway.

The health consultant will start you off with some cardio to loosen your muscles and to get your heart rate a little higher then usual.  We will gradually work you into a full work out routing which will keep you on track.

After the first three or four weeks, you will start to notice the benefits that comes with having a trainer, you will start to sleep better, feel better and look better. So when asked if a health consultant from Columbus can help you with weight loss all we can say is seeing is believing.

What are you waiting for? Join us now.

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It’s February, and many of us have stuck with those New Year’s resolutions, shedding pounds and making better choices about diet. But right about now, your weight loss may  also have stalled. This is called hitting a plateau, and it can happen for a multitude of reasons. One of the most common is that we don’t increase our physical activity as our bodies’ needs change.

Changing Habits, Changing Metabolism

As we get into shape, our bodies begin to use energy differently. As your system gets used to increased physical activity, it also adjusts how it burns calories. Eventually, your body can reach a sort of equilibrium, where you’re eating exactly enough calories per day to sustain your current weight and make it through your workouts.

This is especially common when people start out slowly—a good idea if you’ve been sedentary for a long time. If you started out with walking around the block, for instance, and now you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau, it’s probably time to increase the intensity of your workouts to match your new metabolism!


Increasing Workout Intensity

There are two ways to increase the intensity of your workout. The first is to increase its duration, and the second is to make the workout itself more strenuous. Since most of us simply don’t have the time to make our workouts longer and longer, making your workout more strenuous is often the way to go.

Talk to a personal trainer about ways to “step up your game” and push past your body’s equilibrium. Some methods to try:

  • Add weights. Even if you’re just walking around the block, carrying weights or wrapping weights around your ankles will make walking a more demanding task.
  • Go a little faster. If you walk on the treadmill, try increasing the speed or even the incline. You don’t have to do an 8-minute mile, but even sprinkling some jogging into your walk will help you burn a few more calories.
  • Switch it up altogether. If you always hit the elliptical, try out the rowing machine or the free weights. Adding new activities is also a great way to keep yourself from getting bored with your routine.
  • Commit to an extra day at the gym. Maybe right now you work out once a week. What would happen if you made that two?


Working with a personal trainer Columbus can make a huge difference in achieving your health and fitness goals. When you have been trying to lose weight, or build muscle, it can get overwhelming or exhausting when you don’t see the results you’re hoping to see. A personal trainer can get results by helping with three things: a plan, resistance training, and motivation.

1. A Plan is the Key – A plan is the key to all your health and fitness aspirations. If you’re looking to lose weight, get fit, build muscle, whatever it is you’re trying to do, you need a plan with clear steps to achieving that goal. Working with a personal trainer Columbus gives you the help you need to make a plan. Your personal trainer will put together a customized workout plan that targets the areas that you want, and gives you the best results overall for your body type. For weight loss, your customized plan may include a good amount of cardio, along with resistance training to tone areas that need attention. Your personal trainer will most likely suggest diet changes to help you achieve your fitness goals. With exercise and diet plans in place, you are sure to get results.


2. Resistance Training is Important – Resistance training is important to any workout. You may think you need to focus on cardio workouts only  for weight loss, but think again. Resistance training is a safe way to help you build up your muscles to lifting heavier weights, and it’s a great way to tone areas that need it. While cardio workouts are important, resistance training builds up your endurance and strength, and having more muscle will actually improve your weight loss results since muscle burns more fat throughout the day. Your personal trainer Columbus knows that resistance training is important, and will work it into your customized plan to keep you seeing results.

3. Motivation to Keep Going – No matter how great your results, or how much you want it, motivation can sometimes slack off. Working with a personal trainer Columbus will keep you motivated and on track to achieve your fitness goals. As your personal trainer works with you, he or she will learn what motivates you best, and what your goals are. Sometimes the best motivation is simply looking forward to that weekly or monthly training session in which you can “show off” your endurance, new, low weight, or better muscle tone. If you struggle with the motivation to follow through on your plan, this is an area that a personal trainer can help you with.

Whether you are looking to lose weight or build muscle, a personal trainer Columbus can help you. From formulating an achievable plan, to customizing your workout, to teaching you how to exercise properly, and keeping you motivated, a personal trainer is perhaps the best tool you can have to help you accomplish your health and fitness goals this year.