January is the time of year when Columbus gym members promise to burn off the 10 pounds they gained during the holiday times. In reality though, holiday weight gain is far more modest than most people think.

According to

“A study from Texas Tech University followed 48 men and 100 women between the ages of 18 and 65 for the six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. At the beginning and end of the study, researchers measured the subjects’ weights and body fat percentages. On average, the volunteers gained one and a half pounds (men about two pounds each, and about a pound for the women), far less than the 7 to 10 pounds often cited this time of year.”

Still, the article mentions that even after losing the excess inches, many people gain it back and put on more pounds after checking off this item on their new year’s resolution. Indeed, the goal with weight loss is not just to shed the excess fat but to keep it off throughout the year.

The trick is to start small and to set reasonable goals for yourself. As often happens, people flock to the gym in January and work out till they’re blue in the face. Sooner than later though, burn-out sets in and they’ll put off gym visits for a few days—only to never return again. Remember, stability is key and you’re better off scheduling small, 20-minute sessions as they’re easier to commit to.

Also, consider hiring a weight loss trainer; after all, skipping workout sessions is harder when there is someone else holding you accountable. Your Go: Fitness Columbus personal trainer will also craft a specialized workout plan and will teach you proper form to avoid injuries, thus allowing you to reach your fitness goals faster.


If you’re looking for a new health club, you have come to the right place. With so many options for gyms, fitness centers, and health clubs, you may be overwhelmed finding the right place to become a member, but we will help you decide to join us.  Here are a few benefits of joining a smaller gym like ours.

Availability of Equipment – Because smaller gyms often have fewer members, there is more equipment available for you.  One thing I like is that there isn’t a wait.  Going in to those big gyms right before work and after work was the busiest time.  It’s pretty awesome to get in and get out when you’re in a rush too!

Health Club Pricing – Consumers often pay close to $100 per month for the big chain health clubs because they have so many amenities. But if your goal is simply to work out and get fit, a smaller gym is perfect for you. Our health club Columbus services will have a plan that fits your needs! Our plans are very affordable, starting at $29/month. Many large chains can charge hefty enrollment fees and large cancellations fees, as well as higher monthly dues. However, with us, that’s not the case at all!

Less Red Tape – Most smaller gyms come with less administrative hassles. With national chains there is often a problem with contracts or fees, such as an unexpected dues hike or inability to freeze a membership temporarily during an expected absence. Owners and staff at smaller and more independent health clubs are more likely to work on these issues with you.

These are just a few of the reasons our gym rocks! We would love to have you come be apart of this amazing family. Not only will you get fit but it is like a small community where everyone can relate to each other.  All you want is to be happier, healthier and maybe a few pants sizes smaller and we can help you with that!

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Personal training can have a multitude of benefits. Encouragement and accountability are just some of the mental benefits, while exercise plans and workout routines get spiced up with a personal trainer. Strength training is one of the areas that a personal trainer can really help you. Read the following tips as to why personal training for strength training can be a good thing.

1. Exercise: Strength training is a form of exercising. It uses resistance to build muscle. Personal training gives you a set time to exercise, a time to focus on sculpting your muscles to how you want them to look. You may be familiar with doing push ups or crunches, but personal training will teach you other strength training moves to target areas of your body.

2. Develop muscle and bone strength: Strength training can help you develop muscles. Working on strength training just 4 days a week will give your muscles time to rest and grow on your days off. The resistance in strength training will push your muscles to exert themselves which will encourage them to develop. A personal trainer will also help you to sculpt your body to develop muscles definition in the areas you desire. Interestingly enough, strength training also develops bone density. This can help reduce your risk for osteoporosis.

3. Push it to the max: Personal training Columbus helps you push your muscles to the max. Having a trainer beside you to encourage you and push you will foster your strength training. Strength training is a lot of work, so having a trainer remind you that you are capable of adding weights, or doing just one more rep, can be a great way to keep you pushing it to the max.

4. Lose weight: Strength training builds muscle, and muscle burns fat. If you’re looking to lose some weight, strength training can be a great way to do just that. Personal training lets you discuss your weight loss plans and work towards them. Strength training with a variety of weights will not only spice up your workout routine, but help you lose the weight. Not only that, your newly developed muscles will help you control your weight.

5. Set and achieve goals: Just starting off strength training, you may not be able to do many reps, or lift much weight. Personal training allows you to set goals with someone who will help you achieve them. If you can only do 10 squats starting off, a trainer will help you set a reasonable goal to achieve in a reasonable time. As you’re training, you will see yourself achieving your goals.

Strength Training During Personal Training

Get started today. If you don’t already have a personal training time set up, contact your local health club and set up an appointment with a personal trainer. You can meet throughout the week, or just monthly. Whatever helps you achieve your goals in strength training, personal training will help you get there.

We would love for you to get daily motivations and specials by liking us on Facebook! See you there!


What is interval training?

Individuals who are looking to increase the strength of their heart, lungs, and specific muscles of the body will appreciate the benefits of interval training because of how it can help tone the body without straining muscles. Interval training is simply a specific workout technique where an individual alternates between high and low intensity workouts to achieve their desired result.

 Interval Training

In general, this workout technique enhances the strength and vitality of all cells in the body because of the amount of oxygen it circulates throughout the body. With this being said, professional athletes, nutritionists, and those who are experienced in cardiovascular exercise actually recommend the use of interval training because of how it influences the cardiovascular system. The more oxygen your cells and tissues receive while using this workout technique, the more effective your workout routine will be.

Interval Training Techniques

If you think that an interval training routine is right for you there are many exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine. High intensity workouts may consist of running, sprinting, or going up hills or long distances. The general idea behind fast-paced workout routines is to increase the amount of muscles used to reach desired fitness goals, which relies on anaerobic cellular breathing.

Those interval training techniques that are slower in nature may consist of walking or running, which allow you to reach your resting heart rate in a healthy manner. It is important to alternate between high and low intensity workouts to allow muscles to rest while absorbing larger amounts of oxygen so that you do not become fatigued or cause damage to your body.

Interval training techniques can improve the amount of blood that is pumped out of your heart, therefore creating many positive health benefits. Optimal circulation reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and high cholesterol that lead to the overall degeneration of the body. However, interval training can boost your metabolism so that you can sculpt your body from the inside out. Additionally, interval training can increase muscle enzyme levels so that muscles can be toned and rejuvenated with each move made. All in all, the more oxygen your body receives the better off your health will be due to consistent workouts using these techniques.

Healthy Reasons to Stick to Your Routine

There are many benefits associated with the use of interval training techniques that can increase the longevity of your cells. If you are interested in ways of maximizing your daily workout routine if you live in Columbus, fitness center professionals are available to meet your needs. No matter what health condition you are in, the right workout routine that focuses on specific parts of your body can benefit you.

Professionals recommend the use of this training routine for those who are serious about getting in shape while minimizing risks of damaging muscles of the body. If you are someone who loves the thrill of new exercises to increase cellular strength and durability, interval training is for you.  Contact us today if you want help learning how to interval train.

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Maybe you spent your 20’s playing video games and your 30’s watching reality television. Now your doctor is reminding you about blood pressure, diabetes, and other health issues. But is it too late to get fit? Many of our clients assumed they were beyond help. The reality is, it’s never too late to start! Regardless of your age, your body will almost always benefit if you increase physical activity—especially if you’ve had a sedentary lifestyle.

Tips To Working Out More
  • Talk to your doctor first, especially if you have medical issues. Before starting any workout routine, make sure you’re healthy enough for the exercises you want to try. If you have specific medical concerns, your doctor can also suggest exercise that will be safe and effective for you.
  • Find a personal trainer. If you’ve never worked out before, getting started can be intimidating. A personal trainer can help you get in to a new working out routine, provide motivation, and show you how to workout properly to maximize results and avoid injuries.
  • Choose activities that appeal to you. If the thought of huffing and puffing on the treadmill makes you cringe, opt for group fitness classes or swimming laps instead. If you participate in activities you like, you’re more likely to stick with your fitness plan over the long term.
  • Be patient with yourself. You’re not going to be a marathon runner overnight! Work with your personal trainer to set realistic goals—and not only for weight loss. Give yourself benchmarks for physical performance, such as adding more weight to your strength training routine or reaching a certain distance on your daily run.


You can fast-track your fitness regimen by working with a personal trainer, but before you start your one-on-one regimen, keep these tips in mind!

Personal Trainer

Select your personal trainer with care!

Not everyone you meet will be a good friend, and not every personal trainer will be right for you. Check credentials, talk to clients, watch the personal trainer interact with others, and listen to how the personal trainer talks to you. If you don’t enjoy working with your personal trainer, you’re going to be reluctant to work out. You should look forward to each training session!

Set realistic goals … then push past them

The key to success in any fitness program is to set goals that are attainable. Why bother, if you know from the get-go that you can’t succeed? But when working with a personal trainer Columbus fitness buffs should remember that a little extra effort—five more reps, five more minutes, five more pounds on the free weights—can pay off big time. Each time you train, try to add a little extra effort.

Take time to stretch

A few minutes of stretching before your workout will help loosen your muscles, improve your flexibility, and avoid injury. And remember: a massage is a great way to pamper yourself after a workout, and it helps stretch those deeper muscles, too.

Mix it up

Your personal trainer can recommend exercises that will keep your fitness routine from feeling like the same old same old. This gives you two benefits: it keeps you from getting bored, and it makes sure you exercise different sets of muscles for a better overall workout.

Keep your eyes on the prize

Whether your main goal is to lose excess weight with targeted fat loss techniques to tone your body, or to increase your strength, stamina, and muscle mass, it will help to set milestones that will highlight the progress you’re making toward your fitness goals. Your personal trainer can help you set those milestones, and celebrate your successes.

With help from a personal trainer Columbus residents will see steady improvements in their athletic performance, with increased speed, strength, agility, and flexibility.

Your personal trainer is knowledgeable about nutrition

Listen to your personal trainer’s advice about which foods will support your fitness goals, and which will work against you. With exercise and nutrition, balance is important. Your personal trainer will help you strike that balance.

Buddy up

Working with a personal trainer doesn’t mean you have to give up the encouragement and support of an exercise partner. Talk to your personal trainer about working out with a friend on days when you’re not focused on your one- on-one training. Having someone to share your fitness goals and help chart your progress can keep you motivated on those days when you might otherwise skip a workout and sacrifice your momentum.

Great expectations

By working with a personal trainer Columbus exercise enthusiasts will find they enjoy more than a better body: your regular exercise routines will improve your joint function, improve mind/body coordination, and elevate your spirits!

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Have you ever look around the gym, I mean really looked around a gym? When you look around any gym, you can tell who has gotten help from a personal trainer. Individuals who have used a trainer seem to be more confident with their workout.  When you notice someone struggling to get by, chances are they have refused help and want to go it alone. You should never go it alone in a fitness center, especially when your new.

Members who have worked with a person trainer go through their routines with ease and they feel confident that they are using the machines properly. If they have doubt, they know they can simply show a facial expression of discomfort, and the personal trainer will make their way over to ask if everything is all right.  Its a kind of universal signal and a way of helping our members.


All of the personal trainers Columbus take pride in their jobs, they feel good and confident about themselves and enjoy helping others. In return, it helps you because they strive to give you the best workout routine you can get. If the routine is not working for you, they will be more then happy to adjust it to your liking and too your workability. Each person is different and each person needs their own routine.

Personal trainers Columbus treat you like family; they want to make sure that they are doing the most they can for you and your body.  Our personal trainers get to know who you are as an individual, they listen to your needs, struggles and most of all they listen to what you want your goal of success to be and help you to achieve this goal.

Did you know that a personal trainer Columbus will also help you see where your nutrition problems lie?  They will help you realize that sometime what you are eating can take away from your success rate to reaching your goals faster. They will show you portion control with food items and sugar intake that will improve your chances.  Personal trainers will also help you realize that the more you move, the more successful you will be. Did you know that even if you did not change one thing with your diet just by moving more it will help change your bodies shape and stamina? Yes its true and its all the more reason to join a gym and hire a personal trainer Columbus to help you.

We don’t leave you alone on your new path to a healthier you, we walk right beside you and help you take control so you can rock your socks off, and feel more confident.  What are you waiting for ? Get your life back on track so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

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High blood pressure is a scary medical condition, but there are ways to lower your blood pressure without medication. Personal training is one the best ways to learn how to safely exercise and improve your health. Hypertensive clients can benefit from the one-on-one training, as well as the other perks of personal training. There are three specific ways that exercise can help lower your blood pressure, and diet is the last tip for making a difference. Personal training can help you maximize all four tips.

4 Ways Personal Training Helps Manage Hypertension


  1. Stretching. Stretching is important for increasing your range of motion and flexibility. Personal training teaches you how to stretch properly and safely. You should always stretch before a workout since it starts to warm up your muscles. Stretching after a workout is just as important, and is one of the best ways to keep from being too sore the day after a hard workout. The calming, repetitive nature of stretching can be a good match for hypertensive clients. Yoga stretches can be especially helpful.
  2. Cardio or aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is also known as cardio because it helps the cardiovascular system. This is especially helpful for clients with hypertension. Personal training will help hypertensive clients learn to exercise in their target heart rate range for safe cardio. Proper cardio exercise is performed at 60-70 percent of your maximum heart rate. Personal training Columbus can help you become aware of when you have reached your target, and how to keep your heart rate there. Good examples of cardio exercise are swimming, jogging, skating, and biking. Gradually, cardio exercise can improve your blood pressure, and breathing.
  3. Strengthening Exercises. These exercises are repeated movements that slowly strengthen your muscles. Just like stretching, these exercises can be beneficial for hypertensive clients. Personal training gives you the tools you need to properly perform strengthening exercises. Safety in exercise is always important, and personal training can teach you how to safely exercise while lowering your blood pressure.
  4. Diet. A big part of lowering your blood pressure comes through your diet. While exercise is important, diet can make an even bigger difference. Personal training gives you time to discuss and plan with your trainer what diet changes to make. Planning ahead is going to be one of the best ways to help lower your blood pressure by diet. Meeting with a personal trainer can give you time to plan ahead and make healthy choices. Lowering your sodium intake is a good place to start, so begin by reading labels and opting for lower sodium options.

Hypertension is a serious issue, but personal training can help you take control before resorting to medication. Call a local health club and meet with a trainer to discuss how personal training can help you lower your blood pressure. Begin changing your lifestyle with a healthy diet and safe exercise. You will soon be on your way to a healthier, happier you!


Working with a personal trainer Columbus can make a huge difference in achieving your health and fitness goals. When you have been trying to lose weight, or build muscle, it can get overwhelming or exhausting when you don’t see the results you’re hoping to see. A personal trainer can get results by helping with three things: a plan, resistance training, and motivation.

1. A Plan is the Key – A plan is the key to all your health and fitness aspirations. If you’re looking to lose weight, get fit, build muscle, whatever it is you’re trying to do, you need a plan with clear steps to achieving that goal. Working with a personal trainer Columbus gives you the help you need to make a plan. Your personal trainer will put together a customized workout plan that targets the areas that you want, and gives you the best results overall for your body type. For weight loss, your customized plan may include a good amount of cardio, along with resistance training to tone areas that need attention. Your personal trainer will most likely suggest diet changes to help you achieve your fitness goals. With exercise and diet plans in place, you are sure to get results.


2. Resistance Training is Important – Resistance training is important to any workout. You may think you need to focus on cardio workouts only  for weight loss, but think again. Resistance training is a safe way to help you build up your muscles to lifting heavier weights, and it’s a great way to tone areas that need it. While cardio workouts are important, resistance training builds up your endurance and strength, and having more muscle will actually improve your weight loss results since muscle burns more fat throughout the day. Your personal trainer Columbus knows that resistance training is important, and will work it into your customized plan to keep you seeing results.

3. Motivation to Keep Going – No matter how great your results, or how much you want it, motivation can sometimes slack off. Working with a personal trainer Columbus will keep you motivated and on track to achieve your fitness goals. As your personal trainer works with you, he or she will learn what motivates you best, and what your goals are. Sometimes the best motivation is simply looking forward to that weekly or monthly training session in which you can “show off” your endurance, new, low weight, or better muscle tone. If you struggle with the motivation to follow through on your plan, this is an area that a personal trainer can help you with.

Whether you are looking to lose weight or build muscle, a personal trainer Columbus can help you. From formulating an achievable plan, to customizing your workout, to teaching you how to exercise properly, and keeping you motivated, a personal trainer is perhaps the best tool you can have to help you accomplish your health and fitness goals this year.