High blood pressure is a scary medical condition, but there are ways to lower your blood pressure without medication. Personal training is one the best ways to learn how to safely exercise and improve your health. Hypertensive clients can benefit from the one-on-one training, as well as the other perks of personal training. There are three specific ways that exercise can help lower your blood pressure, and diet is the last tip for making a difference. Personal training can help you maximize all four tips.

4 Ways Personal Training Helps Manage Hypertension


  1. Stretching. Stretching is important for increasing your range of motion and flexibility. Personal training teaches you how to stretch properly and safely. You should always stretch before a workout since it starts to warm up your muscles. Stretching after a workout is just as important, and is one of the best ways to keep from being too sore the day after a hard workout. The calming, repetitive nature of stretching can be a good match for hypertensive clients. Yoga stretches can be especially helpful.
  2. Cardio or aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is also known as cardio because it helps the cardiovascular system. This is especially helpful for clients with hypertension. Personal training will help hypertensive clients learn to exercise in their target heart rate range for safe cardio. Proper cardio exercise is performed at 60-70 percent of your maximum heart rate. Personal training Columbus can help you become aware of when you have reached your target, and how to keep your heart rate there. Good examples of cardio exercise are swimming, jogging, skating, and biking. Gradually, cardio exercise can improve your blood pressure, and breathing.
  3. Strengthening Exercises. These exercises are repeated movements that slowly strengthen your muscles. Just like stretching, these exercises can be beneficial for hypertensive clients. Personal training gives you the tools you need to properly perform strengthening exercises. Safety in exercise is always important, and personal training can teach you how to safely exercise while lowering your blood pressure.
  4. Diet. A big part of lowering your blood pressure comes through your diet. While exercise is important, diet can make an even bigger difference. Personal training gives you time to discuss and plan with your trainer what diet changes to make. Planning ahead is going to be one of the best ways to help lower your blood pressure by diet. Meeting with a personal trainer can give you time to plan ahead and make healthy choices. Lowering your sodium intake is a good place to start, so begin by reading labels and opting for lower sodium options.

Hypertension is a serious issue, but personal training can help you take control before resorting to medication. Call a local health club and meet with a trainer to discuss how personal training can help you lower your blood pressure. Begin changing your lifestyle with a healthy diet and safe exercise. You will soon be on your way to a healthier, happier you!

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