Every single member of our gym is different! All of us have our own fitness goals and aspirations: some may be trying to lose weight, while others are trying to bulk up, for instance. Meanwhile we all have different physical concerns and challenges: some of us are working on building balance and flexibility, while others may be recovering from an injury or overcoming a medical condition. That variety means that every person’s fitness plan has to be a little different.

Advantages of Taking Group Fitness Classes

So why, then, do group fitness classes exist? How can these classes help you reach your fitness goals? The answer: group fitness classes make you accountable—other students notice when you’re not there, and they give you the support and motivation to stick with it. Taking group fitness classes also gives you the opportunity to work with a personal trainer. These experts can provide vital feedback regarding your diet, workout routine, and much more. Group fitness classes can have a huge impact on your exercise routine, weight loss, and so much more!

Selecting a Group Fitness Class

The most important thing about starting a group fitness program is choosing the right program for you. You’ll want to find a class that makes you want to come back over time. If you just take a few classes and give up, you won’t enjoy all the benefits of the class! Keep these tips in mind when you pick a class:


  • Consider your own goals and aspirations: Different classes are designed for different purposes, so you’ll want to find one that matches your own fitness goals. If you’re working on weight loss, go for classes that incorporate plenty of cardio, for example.
  • Pinpoint the activities you usually avoid: The fitness activities we avoid are usually the ones that our bodies really need—which means they’re more difficult! Participating in these activities where you have a support system and accountability from your classmates will help you stick with it and give your body what it needs!
  • Choose a class that interests you: You’re more likely to stay committed if you enjoy the class, even if you find it incredibly challenging. Choose something that’s not entirely outside your comfort zone. For instance, if you love cycling outside, try a spinning class. If dancing is your thing, go for an aerobics class that incorporates motivating music.
  • Respect the limits of your body: Some classes are more intense than others, so you’ll want to keep your physical condition and medical conditions in mind before starting any new class. Discuss your options and interests with your doctor, and share your medical needs with the personal trainer before class.

If you’re not sure which classes might be best for you, ask a personal trainer for suggestions. As with any workout routine, you’ll want to give it a fair shake—commit to taking a few classes so your body can acclimate. Be patient with yourself, and feel free to ask questions! Draw motivation and support from your classmates, and give it right back.

Come in and talk to us at 614-481-8080, you can even try us for free. Even if you’re not sure yet, come join in the conversation on Facebook and latest updates on Twitter and just get a feel for our community of support and encouragement, for the online updates you can visit our website at

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