Exercise is important and this is why many people go to gyms and hire personal trainers. The road to fitness and good health is considered by some to be paved with sweat, toil, and a lot of determination, but this mindset can become negative in the long run. In an interview with professional athlete Jonny Brownlee, The Telegraph says that people shouldn’t burn themselves out in their quest for proper fitness. He discourages people to cram all their exercise in one day in this statement.

However, the best advice I can give anyone about how to improve their fitness is to train consistently. It’s better to do regular training all year round than to squeeze it all in before a big race. And it’s more beneficial to do three or four shorter sessions throughout the week than to try to do one massive session on a Saturday; consistent training encourages your body to adapt and improve. Even if you have a busy schedule, it can be easy to fit training around your lifestyle if you really plan your sessions. We used to do it when we were kids – by cycling to school and doing runs at lunchtime. If you sit down with your diary you can probably find more windows for training sessions than you thought possible.

As it turns out, fitness involves not only doing routine exercises, but also careful planning and organization. This is something that not every fitness center can provide, so you have to go to places like Go: Fitness Center, a certified Columbus gym that has professional trainers as well as high-tech fitness facilities. Training sessions should be personalized to suit the needs and circumstances of each person and this can also help monitor one’s progress day by day.

Residents of Ohio need to take personal fitness seriously since, as of August 2013, nearly three out of ten people in the state are obese, according to a report from the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. This makes Ohio rank in the top 15 most obese states in the country: a position it has held for several years. Nearly a quarter of all Ohio citizens don’t even exercise at all because they either lack motivation or don’t know where to start; this is where a Columbus personal training program would be beneficial.

(From My fitness philosophy: training should be fun, The Telegraph, September 24, 2013)

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