When you hear about low impact exercise, you often hear words such as gentle, easy or light. Low impact exercise is frequently recommended for people who can’t do high intensity workouts. Some reasons you have to avoid high impact exercises are pregnancy, joint or bone injuries and arthritis. So, what if you want to work hard and see results, but you don’t want to do all the jumping around? Can low impact exercise help you burn calories and lose weight as well as high impact moves? Absolutely!

Benefits Of Low Impact Exercise

Increased Cardiovascular Health – One of the most important benefits of low impact exercise is its ability to improve your cardiovascular system. Research has found that participating in low impact exercise activities is the best way to treat and prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. This means that swimming or using an elliptical can be beneficial if you have been diagnosed with or are concerned about the development of heart disease. If you’re looking for some low impact exercise, Columbus has services that can help you find something that’s perfect for you!

Decreased Damage to Joints – Decreased damage to joints is probably one of the most important reasons that people participate in low impact exercise routines. If you are interested in losing weight, increasing your fitness level, or simply becoming more active, but a sore knee, hip or ankle restricts you from participating in typical exercises such as jogging or running, then low impact exercise would be perfect for you!

Low impact exercises allow you to get the same benefits of more traditional forms of exercise without experiencing damage to your joints. Research has found that low impact exercises may actually promote the healing and recovery of damaged joints, allowing you to return to higher impact activities in a timely manner.

Weight Loss Exercise – Finally, participating in a low impact exercise routine is a great way to lose weight. While many people often diet in order to cut calories, swimming, biking, or using a climber can help to burn some of these calories, therefore requiring fewer caloric restrictions. Be aware that a 150 pound person can usually burn around 300 calories per hour riding a bike. Therefore, in order to lose one pound per week, you will need to cut an extra 400 calories per day from your diet and ride your bike for one hour each day.

Add Intensity – The key to making low impact exercise work is to work a little harder by involving your entire body in what you’re doing. Try adding some upper body movements, and then some lower body movements. After some time, try going a little faster.

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